Cyber Security Incident Response

Protect your business from costly and damaging cybersecurity incidents with Total Solutions IT. Our incident response services are designed to swiftly address and mitigate incidents, minimizing and, where possible, reversing the impact of breaches.

Cyber Incident Response Services.

Our experienced incident response team supports Australian organizations and businesses across various industries in managing complex and sensitive cybersecurity challenges. With deep industry expertise and an in-depth understanding of the local threat landscape, you can trust us to handle every stage of the breach response cycle efficiently.


Our team offers rapid responses to any suspected IT breach affecting your organization, including malware, unauthorized access, unauthorized payments, data loss or theft, and more.

  • CONTAINMENT: Our incident response team swiftly isolates the affected segment of devices to limit damage and prevent further harm, halting the spread and progression of the attack.
  • MONITORING: We collaborate with our partners to help your business regain control and visibility of your network. While restoring affected systems, our team thoroughly validates them to ensure they are free from any compromise.
  • ATTACK INVESTIGATION: Post-attack, we gather crucial information—such as logs, errors, and resources from intrusion detection systems—to inform our forensic analysis. Our team examines the causes, impacts, and potential mitigation strategies.
  • REPORTING: We provide detailed analysis and documentation of the incident for both management and technical teams. Our report includes a comprehensive review of the incident, highlighting lessons learned and outlining a step-by-step account of the event.

Customised Remediation Action Plans

Following every incident, we create tailored remediation action plans to enhance your overall security posture and help prevent future breaches.

Benefits of Cyber Incident Response Services

In today’s digital landscape, vigilance in IT security is crucial for organizations and businesses across Australia. Our highly experienced team is equipped to defend against both known and emerging threats, ensuring rapid response to any cyber attacks or security incidents.

By acting as an extension of your IT and security teams, we provide peace of mind through swift incident resolution. Our services minimize disruption to your business and offer the support you need when it matters most.

Why Choose Total Solutions IT for Cyber Incident Response Services?

Total Solutions IT, in collaboration with our industry partners, develops and implements a 24/7 cyber incident response plan tailored to your unique operational needs. Our services protect against:

  • DESTRUCTIVE ATTACKS: Safeguarding against malware, phishing, denial of service attacks, and insider threats.
  • DATA BREACHES: Preventing the exposure of customer data, personally identifiable information, and other sensitive information.
  • FINANCIAL ATTACKS: Defending against extortion, ransomware, payment card theft, and more.
  • IP THEFT: Protecting against the sophisticated theft of intellectual property, including trade secrets and other sensitive data.

Our incident response services efficiently triage and contain threats, while also offering consultation and forensic investigations of compromised IT infrastructure, services, and networks.

Contact Us

To learn more about our incident response services, get in touch with us today. We’re here to answer your questions and guide you through the process of getting started. Reach out online or call us at 02 6061 4222.