
Endpoint security protects devices like computers, smartphones, and servers from cyber threats. It includes antivirus, anti-malware, firewalls, and real-time threat detection to prevent unauthorized access, malware, and data breaches. This protection is vital for securing individual devices and the broader network they connect to.

EndPoint Security Questions?


When it comes to compliance, IT professionals shoulder a considerable burden, encompassing the management of personal and financial data, adherence to data protection regulations, and mitigation of cybersecurity threats.

Total Solutions IT stands ready to support you by assessing your data protection controls and offering recommended actions and solutions to ensure your organization stays ahead of compliance requirements.

Insider Risk Management

Utilize Microsoft 365 compliance solution to mitigate internal risks by empowering IT teams to detect, investigate, and respond to both malicious and inadvertent activities within your organization. Leverage its capabilities to identify potential high-risk areas and configure policies effectively to address internal risks preemptively.

Information Protection and Governance

Safeguard and oversee your enterprise data across its lifecycle with Microsoft’s integrated Information Protection and Governance solution. Regardless of where your data resides – whether in Microsoft 365 services, Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams, on-premises, or in the cloud – Microsoft’s unified approach to data discovery and classification enables you to strike the ideal balance between security and productivity.

eDiscovery and Audit

Providing a complete workflow from start to finish, Advanced eDiscovery and Advanced Audit streamline the identification, preservation, collection, processing, review, and analysis of data. This assists in efficiently addressing regulatory and legal obligations or internal investigations. Explore more about Advanced eDiscovery here.

Compliance Management

Easily and conveniently manage your compliance journey by identifying your data protection risks, manage the intricacies of implementing controls, and remain up to date with regulations, certifications and reporting to auditors.